Staff Member of the Month - Mrs. Hannah Crook

"I would like to nominate Hannah Crook for staff member of the month!! Mrs. Crook splits her time between Gable and Dawkins, but the time she is here is invaluable. She has such a great rapport with all of the students she works closely with (and ones she doesn’t) and they love when she is in our classes to offer extra help and one-on-one attention. Mrs. Crook has helped me create activities for the ultimate goal of all ELL students being successful in the classroom and learning the standards by changing the way the material is presented. She has also created a blog to share ideas with teachers on modifying the curriculum for ELL students. The teachers and students in our two schools are lucky to have Mrs. Crook as a wonderful resource, colleague, and friend. I truly appreciate all she has taught me!" - Nomination from Dawn Sabean